Town of Bethlehem Search
Fill in one or more of the fields below to find a property.
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* For corporate or business names, it is usually best to search
in the last name field.
IMO Version 21.10
(data updated on 02/23/2025)
To Review Your Property Inventory
1. Search your property.
2. Click "Report" in the box on the left side of the screen to review your property inventory.
3. If changes are necessary, click “Feedback Form” to make inventory changes. You MUST provide your email address AND phone number at the bottom of the form in order to submit you change request.
*For accurate search results, please fill in one of the field groupings suggested below. If you do not find an exact match, broadening your search may help produce results.
Tax ID/SBL __________
Last Name* __________
First Name* __________
Street# ____________
Street Name ________